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Hello passerbyer! I'm a UD Graduate of Class 2024. Majoring in Computer Science with a custom concentration in Software Engineer. TA'ing CISC303 Automata Theory Fall Semester 2023 and Spring Semester 2024. Was a Creative Writing Club member.


  • Coding: web developing user applications and games.
  • Writing/Reading: specializing in scifi/fantasy genres.
  • Lifiting: fitness in strength and hypertrophy training.
  • Speed Cubing: timed solving twist puzzles.

Interesting Facts

  • Graduated St. Georges High School as Valedictorian in 2020.
  • Graduated Del-Tech as Summa Cum Laude 2022, GPA 3.94
  • Graduated UD as Dean's Lister, GPA 3.40
  • Team Tetra Hackers Won Best Educational Tech Hack in March 6, 2024 UD Hackathon
  • Born in the Philippines and visits family over vacation.
  • Survived a car crash in the summer of 2023.